Friday, August 31, 2007

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Brain Cramps

*Question: If you could live forever, would you and why? Answer: I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever - Miss Alabama in the 1994 Miss USA contest.

*I've never had major knee surgery on any other part of my body, - Winston Bennett, University of Kentucky basketball forward.

*Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country,-Mayor Marion Barry, Washington , DC

*That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I'm just the one to do it, -A congressional candidate in Texas .
*Half this game is ninety percent mental. -Philadelphia Phillies manager, Danny Ozark

*I love California . I practically grew up in Phoenix .-Dan Quayle

*We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need ?-Lee Iacocca

*The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.-Joe Theisman, NFL football quarterback & sports analyst.

*We don't necessarily discriminate. We simply exclude certain types of people.-Colonel Gerald Wellman, ROTC Instrutor.

*Your food stamps will be stopped effective March 1992 because we received notice that you passed away. May God bless you. You may reapply if there is a change in your circumstances.-Department of Social Services, Greenville , South Carolina

*If somebody has a bad heart, they can plug this jack in at night as they go to bed and it will monitor their heart throughout the night. And the next morning, when they wake up dead, there'll be a record.-Mark S. Fowler, FCC Chairman

Did I read that right?

Did I read that sign right?
In a Laundromat:
In a London department store:
In an office:
In an office:
Outside a secondhand shop:
Notice in health food shop window:
Spotted in a safari park: (I sure hope so)
Seen during a conference:
Notice in a farmer's field:
Message on a leaflet:
On a repair shop door:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tír Na Nóg

Heart Of SA

This year's Sarajevo Film Festival had shown 157 films, and cevapi and cheep cabs were enjoyed by the stars such as Jeremy Irons (president of the Competition Features Jury), Michael Moore ('Sicko'), Juliette Binoche ('Breaking and Entering', 'Flight of the Red Balloon'), Steve Buscemi ('Delirious, 'Interview')...
US were presented by 18 movies, UK 1, Sweden 2, Spain 3, Norway 3, Ireland 3, Germany 18, France 24, Denmark 4... Canada 0.
The reputation of the Festival is growing exponentially. Plan your next visit to ex-Yu in mid-August so you can enjoy it, too!

Monday, August 27, 2007

A "Dylan" Movie

I'm Not There is the title of an experimental movie inspired by life of Bob Dylan, and is starring the likes of Christian Bale /The Freewheelin’ phase/, Cate Blanchett (?) /Blonde on Blonde phase/, Richard Gere, Heath Ledger /John Wesley Harding phase/, Ben Whishaw all playing Dylan in particular stages of his life. Watch for it at the Toronto Festival...

New Aliens in Atlantic

It looks like the evil twin brother of the Alien from the 1979 sci-fi classic film, but this creature has just been discovered in a remote stretch of the Atlantic.
The Chauliodus Sloani was found, along with a never-before-seen shrimp, by a British research team during a five-week expedition.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


La Vie En Rose – Edith Piaf

Francuski biografski film sa Marion Cotillard u glavnoj ulozi (A Good Year, sa Russel Croweom) ce svakako da izbaci ovu glumicu u zvjezdanu orbitu.
Edith Piaf, kci barske pjevacice i ulicnog akrobata dio djetinjstva je provela u bordelu sa svojom bakom. Sa 16 godina dobila je djevojcicu koja je umrla od meningitisa. Pocela je da nastupa sa 20 godina u nocnom klubu Louisa Lepléea (Gerard Depardieu), za cije ubistvo je poslije bila i optuzena. U ratu je krijumcarila lazirane pasose i pomogla nekoliko francuskih vojnih zatvorenika da pobjegnu...Najveca ljubav, bokser Marcel Cerdan (Jean-Pierre Martins) je poginuo u avionskoj nesreći. Udavala se jos dva puta. Zivjela je na morfiju, da bi umrla u 47. godini zivota na isti dan kada i njen prijatelj Jean Cocteau.(!)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

FIFA ranking August 2007

1. Brasil
2. Argentina
3. Italy
4. France
5. Germany
6. Croatia
7. Netherlands
8. Spain
9. Czech Republic
27.Northern Ireland
28.Cote d'Ivoire
37.Republic of Ireland
50.Korea Republic
51.Saudi Arabia
52.Costa Rica
67.FYR Macedonia
203.Monte Negro

Treasure in Italy

One of Italy's first and most mysterious civilizations, the Etruscans (Etrurians) lived north of Rome in regions of Tuscany and Umbria. Their civilization lasted for about 1,000 years, reaching its height roughly from the 7th to the 6th century B.C., before its cities were replaced by Roman settlements.
Archaeologists have just discovered a more than 2,000-year-old Etruscan tomb perfectly preserved in the hills of Tuscany with a treasured artifacts inside, including urns that hold the remains of about 30 people. The tomb probably dates from between the 1st and 3rd centuries B.C., when Etruscan power was in decline. The main burial room was completely intact. Inside the tomb, a narrow corridor led to a small burial chamber. It housed about 80 objects including vases and mirrors in bronze and ceramic.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

James & Luciano !!!!

Essential Facts (!)

*The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds!
*Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.
*Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to SLOW a film down so you could see his moves.
*Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest.
*Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
*Mark Twain didn't graduate from elementary school.
*Pilgrims ate popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.
*Your nose and ears never stop growing.
*Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
*Adolf Hitler was Time's Man of the Year for 1938.
*Hundreds of years ago, only the wealthy people used to wear underwear.
*27% of female lottery winners hid their winning ticket in their bras.
*Icelanders don't show up for work more than 1/3 of the time. Probably because they are buried in snow most of the time.
*In the 19th century, it was common practice for a Japanese woman to dye their teeth black. They believed that this enhanced sex appeal and maintained healthier teeth.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Willy DeVille

What's Behind Sportsmen Injuries

*Adam Eaton (baseball pitcher) apparently stabbed himself while attempting to open a DVD.
*Wade Boggs (baseball) missed several games for the Winston-Salem Red Sox after hurting himself putting on his cowboy boots.
*Dave Beasant (former England goalkeeper) ruptured his ankle ligaments avoiding a falling bottle of salad cream he had just taken out of his fridge. He was injured for two months.
*David James (England goalkeeper) pulled a muscle in his back when reaching for a TV remote control.
*Santiago Canizares (Spain's World Cup goalkeeper) missed the matches after he had dropped a bottle of cologne on his foot and injured it.
*Rio Ferdinand (England defender) injured a tendon behind his knee while watching TV with his foot up on a coffee table.
*Derek Pringle (former England cricketer) sat down to write a letter before a Test match and stretched back only to put his back out.
*Sam Torrance (former Ryder Cup golfer) fractured his sternum when he fell over a plant pot whilst sleepwalking.

Cigarete ipak koriste zdravlju (!)

Kinezi su poceli da obradjuju "lazne" cigarete (loseg kvaliteta pretrpane komadicima drveta) za ekstrakciju solanesola, sastojka duvana, koji se koristi za tretman kardio-vaskularnih bolesti. Ranije su se te cigarete palile do unistenja, sto je uzrokovalo zagadjenje zraka... Kilogram solanesola vrijedi oko $200 (30 tona lista duvana proizvede 120 kg).
Pusenje ili zdravlje - odlucite sami! (Kaj ce mi zdravlje bez pusenja...)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

XYu - Radojka Sverko


Za popularisanje teniskog sporta kod nas sigurno je zasluzan Slobodan Zivojinovic, koji je najveci uspjeh zabiljezio kad je dogurao do polufinala Wimbledona gdje je izgubio protiv Ivana Lendla, a u parovima je sa Andres Gomezom uspio osvojiti i US Open. Bruno Oresar i Monika Seles bili su jedini Yugo teniseri koji su osvojili Orange Bowl iliti nezvanicno prvenstvo svijeta u tenisu. Monika je, naravno, jedno vrijeme bila i prva na ATP listi, jedino nikada ne osvojivsi Wimbledone. Moze tome da se zahvali opsesivnom obozavaocu Steffi Graf koji ju je napao nozem u Hamburgu. Goran Ivanisevic je dogurao do drugog mjesta na ATP listi.
Danas teniseri Hrvatske i Srbije, kao sto su Mario Ancic, Novak Djokovic, Ana Ivanovic i Jelena Jankovic imaju respekt svjetske teniske poljane i cini se da je buducnost svijetla za ovaj sport sa balkanske tacke gledista...


Ernest Holmes (1887-1960) founded Religious Science, part of the New Thought movement. Holmes had an immense influence on New Age beliefs, particularly his core philosophy that we create our own reality. He quit school at 15 saying: I didn't want to be taken care of, so l went to work. What I have gathered has been from reading, studying and thinking, working, experiencing. It is a long, laborious, tough method, but it pays off. I don't believe there is a real other method.
Excerpts from his work (The Science of Mind, Creative Mind and Creative Mind and Success):
*Strange as it may seem, the human thought can affirm only; it can never deny; for, even at the moment of denial, it really affirms the presence of that which it denies. We speak of denials and affirmations as though they were opposed to each other, but such is not the case. Fear and faith are but different ways of expressing positive beliefs about something. Fear is a positive belief that we will experience something that we do not wish to have happen, while faith is a positive belief that we will experience something that we do wish to have happen.
*What is evil?
Evil is the result of a lack of clear seeing, based upon a belief in two powers, and limitation and what we call sin is the result of man's struggle to find himself.
*The person who is to succeed will never let his mind dwell on past mistakes. He will forgive the past in his life and in the lives of other people. If he makes a mistake he will at once forgive it. He will know that so long as he desires any good, there is nowhere in the universe anything that opposes him. God does not damn anyone or anything; man damns everyone and everything.
*See only what you wish to experience, and look at nothing else. No matter how many times the old thought returns, destroy it by knowing that it has no power over you; look it squarely in the face and tell it to go; it does not belong to you, and you must know--and stick to it--that you are now free.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Pentangle

Oops (I did it again)

Kanadski teniski savez uputio je Novaku Đokoviću službeno izvinjenje zbog gafa na proglašenju pobjednika Rogers Cupa u Montrealu. Nakon što je u finalu pobijedio Rogera Federera, Đokovića je na svečanosti proglašenja pobjednika službeni spiker predstavio kao hrvatskog tenisera (!) No, vrlo brzo “Tennis Canade” se izvinio navodeci da je do greške došlo slučajno (hmm!) Đokoviću se licno izvinio i dotični službeni spiker... -Priznajem grešku i biće mi drago ispraviti je sljedeće godine, kada Novak osvoji svoj drugi trofej na Rogers Cupu.

Nekoga potjeraju psi, a druge...

Izgubljen u divljini Queenslanda 53-godisnji australski stocar, povrijedjen u padu sa konja, u bijegu pred krokodilima popeo se na stablo eukaliptusa. Ondje je međutim morao ostati nedjelju dana dok ga nisu pronašli spasioci, jer su gladni krokodili gotovo neprekidno vrebali na svoju potencijalnu žrtvu. Samo u nekoliko navrata preko dana uspio se nakratko spustiti sa stabla kako bi uzeo vodu iz obližnje lokve. "Noću sam vidio samo parove svijetlih crvenih očiju direkno ispod mene", izjavio je. Spasio ga je pilot helikoptera koji ga je opazio na stablu. U nedjelji dana pojeo je samo dva sendviča koji su mu se našli u džepu.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Mamy Blue

Unfortunately, the best version of this song by Joël Daydé is not available in video format. Check discography of this fantastic French blues master here.

Zulfikar - Zuko Dzumhur

*Kasaba na granici: U svakom stotom ćepenku pod uvjerenjima i esnafskim pismima, uz tuce propisno poništenih taksenih maraka, pečalbari po jedan naš Tetovac, Gostivarac ili Bosanac, ubijajući godinama bijele dane za žute pare. Pečalbarski se štedi previše, živi premalo i razmnožava pretjerano.
*Putovanje po besmislu: Granice između civilizacije i varvarstva leže duboko zakopane u pijesku pustinje...
...Italijani bi na ovom svetom brijegu podigli crkvu, Amerikanci bazu, Francuzi hotel, a Libanci kockarnicu. Bugari bi ovdje sagradili veliki naučni institut za borbu protiv zagraničnog sujevjerja. Turci bi po običaju podigli karaulu, a Beograđani bi otvorili kafanu "Kod prvog greha". Arabljani nisu podigli ništa...
...Stare turske hanove po drumovima zamijenile su automobilske stanice na autostradama. Romantičnih drumskih razbojnika, koji su nekada napadali usamljene putnike i karavane, više nema. Zamijenile su ih velike međunarodne kompanije koje napadaju čitave narode. Hajdučija se polako sa carskih džada preselila u međunarodnu politiku...
...Čovjek nigdje tako intenzivno ne misli na neodjevenu ženu kao u pustinji.
*Zapisi pod gorom: Hotel je pun američkih nevjesta i đuvegija. Nedjelju provedu u maženju ili čitanju besmislenih romana. Njihove nevjeste su lijepe na neki naročiti način. U ljepoti američkih žena ima nečeg konfekcijskog. Svi ovi bogataši svijeta sve više liče jedni na druge. Svi oni pate od obilja istih poroka i od nedostatka istih vrlina. Izgleda da se među sirotinjom mnogo više održalo šarenilo svijeta.
*Trube u Jerohinu: Francuz je propjevao zbog žene, Italijan radi publike. Grk pjeva za bakšiš. Nijemac pjeva na komandu, a Srbin propjeva uz piće. Arapin je zapjevao od straha. Pustinja uplaši i junake i divove. Pustinje se jedino ne boje pjesnici...U pustinjama čovjek je propjevao da ne poludi. Možda se svaka poezija i svuda u svijetu rodila u pustinjama.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Suzanne Vega

Tech Support

*Customer: My disk ran out of space when trying to save my Word document, so I changed it from double spaced to single spaced and it still wouldn't fit!
*Advisor: Press any key to continue.
Customer: I can't find the 'Any' key.
*Tech Support: Ok, in the bottom left of the screen, can you see the 'OK' button displayed?
Customer: Wow. How can you see my screen from there?
*Advisor: Can you click on 'My Computer'?
Customer: I don't have your computer, just mine.
*Advisor: You have Spyware on your machine which is causing the problem.
Customer: Spyware? Can they see me getting dressed through the monitor?
*Customer: My family in Australia use BT Softphone, I can see them but they can't see me.
Advisor: What brand is your webcam?
Customer: What's a webcam?
*Customer: All my files I saved last week to my C: drive are missing!
Tech Support: Do you remember what directory you first saved them in?
Customer: No, I don't . I just know it was on my C: drive.
Tech Support: Ok, I'll walk you through how to find the files.
Customer: I wouldn't think I would be losing files on this computer. Gee, I just had the hard drive replaced in it yesterday.
be an idea.
*Customer: I keep getting inappropriate pop-ups on my computer and don't want my wife to think that it's me.
Advisor: I will remove them for you.
Customer: How do I get them back when she is not in?
*Customer: How do I change channel on my monitor?
Advisor: Your monitor won't have channels like a TV.
Customer: But I was watching the internet channel the other day and now I just get the word processing channel.
*Customer: My mouse mat isn't wired up.
Advisor: I'm not sure I understand, your mouse mat shouldn't have any wires.
Customer: Well how does it know where my mouse is? Is it wireless?
*Customer: My iPod will only play one song.
Advisor: Which other tracks have you downloaded from iTunes?
Customer: Do I need to download tracks?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

XYu - Partibrejkers

Medjunarodni dokumentarci - Toronto

Međunarodni filmski festival u Torontu 6.-15. septembra ce prikazati, izmedju ostalog:
Algerie, Histoires A Ne Pas Dire (o četvorici muslimanskih Alžiraca koji se prisjećaju svoga rata za nezavisnost i odnose sa jevrejskim i hrišćanskim susjedima).
Body of War (rata se prisjeća i 25-godišnji Tomas Young, kojeg je metak u kicmi zauvijek paralizovao, a ostatak života posvetio je borbi protiv rata u Iraku, u kojem je i bio kobno ranjen. Eddie Vedder iz Pearl Jama je komponovao i originalnu muziku za film).
Man of Cinema: Pierre Rissient (o čovjeku koji je stajao iza kulisa Cannesa čitavih 40 godina).
Trumbo (portret scenarista Daltona Trumba -Spartak, Papillon, koji je bio na crnoj listi, ali se hrabro borio protiv represije. U filmu nastupaju i Donald Sutherland, Michael Douglas i Liam Neeson).
Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts (odsječak iz života i karijere Philipa Glassa, filmskog kompozitora koji je radio s raznim velikanima - pojavljuju se i Ravi Shankar i Woody Allen).
The Dictator Hunter (o aktivisti Human Rights Watcha, koji pokušava sprovesti pravdu za žrtve bivšeg čadskog diktatora, Hissenea Habrea).
Terror’s Advocate (advokat Jacques Verges umjesto trofeja skuplja "ozloglasene" klijente – branio je šefa Gestapa u Lyonu Klausa Barbieja, te Saddama Husseina i Slobodana Miloševića).
Encounters at the End of the World (o Antarktiku i njegovim sirovim prirodnim ljepotama).
Festival otvara kanadska drama Fugitive Pieces, sa Radetom Serbedzijom u glavnoj ulozi (glumi grckog arheologa Athosa koji spasava zivot djecaka vodeci ga u novu domovinu...)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Students Say

*There are 26 vitamins in all, but some of the letters are yet to be discovered. Finding them all means living forever.
*Lime is a green-tasting rock.
*Many dead animals in the past changed to fossils while others preferred to be oil.
*Some oxygen molecules help fires burn while others help make water, so sometimes it's brother against brother.
*To most people solutions mean finding the answers. But to chemists solutions are things that are still all mixed up.
*In looking at a drop of water under a microscope, we find there are twice as many H's as O's.
*Clouds are high flying fogs.
*Cyanide is so poisonous that one drop of it on a dogs tongue will kill the strongest man.
*A blizzard is when it snows sideways.
*Isotherms and isobars are even more important than their names sound.
*It is so hot in some places that the people there have to live in other places.
*Wind is like the air, only pushier.
*Water is composed of two gins, Oxygin and Hydrogin. Oxygin is pure gin. Hydrogin is gin and water.
*Artificial insemination is when the farmer does it to the cow instead of the bull.
*H20 is hot water, and CO2 is cold water."
*Three kinds of blood vessels are arteries, vanes, and caterpillars.
*The body consists of three parts - the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowels, of which there are five - a, e,i, o and u.
*Vacuum: A large, empty space where the pope lives.
*For drowning: climb on top of the person and move up and down to make Artificial Perspiration.
*For Fainting: Rub the person's chest or, if a lady, rub her arm above the hand instead. Or put the head between the knees of the nearest medical doctor."
*The tides are a fight between the Earth and Moon. All water tends towards the moon, because there is no water in the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight.
*Germinate: To become a naturalized German.
*To prevent contraception: wear a condominium.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lives In The Balance

Cristopher Polo

Marko Polo je možda otkrio Ameriku prije Kristofora Kolumba, prema karti iz Kongresne biblioteke u Washingtonu. Dokument, koji je u biblioteku 1933. donio američki državljanin italijanskog porijekla, "prikazuje brod pored karte na kojoj su prikazani dijelovi Indije, Kine, Japana i Sjeverne Amerike", prema opisu iz tog doba. Na dokumentu nazvanom "Karta s brodom" nalazi se grb - isprepletena slova imena Marko Polo. Moreuz koji razdvaja Sibir od Aljaske glavna je tema karte. Po svoj prilici Marco Polo, koji se u Veneciju sa svojih putovanja vratio 1295., u Europu donio prve informacije o postojanju Sjeverne Amerike, osim onih do kojih su došli nordijski osvajači. On je u Ameriku stigao dva vijeka prije Kolumba i iscrtao moreuz koji razdvaja Aziju od Amerike četiri vijeka prije njegove pojave na evropskim kartama. Marco Polo u opisima svojih putovanja nikada nije govorio ni o kakvom otkriću kopna na području Aljaske, a na samrti je svojim prijateljima kazao: "Nisam napisao ni polovinu onoga što sam vidio".

Kad "svinjo jedna" dobija drugo znacenje

Japanci su stvorili kloniranu svinju potomka tri generacije klonova. Prvi puta su naucnici uspjeli klonirati životinju te veličine u nekoliko uzastopnih generacija. Mislilo se da je kloniranje životinja kroz nekoliko generacija problematično jer se genetski materijal jezgre celije davatelja pogoršava sa svakom novom generacijom. Amerikanci su već uspjeli klonirati šest generacija miševa, ali japansko otkriće je važnije za ljude, jer je svinja bliža čovjeku od miša po svom genetskom sastavu. Cilj istraživanja je da se jednoga dana dodje do organa za transplantaciju i celija kloniranih svinja koji bi se koristili za liječenje nekih bolesti kod ljudi.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Laid Back


*Never forget a friend, especially those that owe you.
*Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.
*Suburbs are areas where they cut down trees and then name the streets after them.
*It may be your sole purpose in life to serve as a warning to others.
*A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
*Keep smiling - it makes everyone wonder what you're up to.
*There's always a light at the end of the tunnel...just hope it's NOT a train!
*A tree never hits an automobile except in self-defence.
*Buy one for the price of two and get the second one free!
*Did you know that dolphins are so intelligent that within only a few weeks of captivity, they can train Americans to stand at the very edge of the pool and throw them fish.
*Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Paco De Lucia

1001 ljepota zivljenja...

Više od 200 ljudi u čijem se vlasništvu našao alkohol ili droga tokom racije na rock koncertu satanske muzike uhapseno je protekle srijede u Iranu. Svake godine obave se racije obično ljeti, i tada država pokušava spriječiti nemoralno ponašanje, zabranjuje alkohol, narkotike i partyje na kojima se okupljaju muškarci i žene, tj. momci i djevojke, koji još nisu u braku. Zapadnjačka muzika je najomraženija pojava . Tokom klupske večeri kada su nastupali lokalni DJ-i i rock i rap bendovi policija je pohapsila uglavnom mlade i bogate ljude koji su se na ovoj zabavi okupili kako bi slušali provokativni sotonistički koncert.Pozivnice za zabavu bile su razaslane putem interneta, te su se među pozvanima nalazili Britanci i Šveđani. U raciji je pronađeno 150 boca alkoholnih pića, 800 opscenih CD-a i nekoliko različitih vrsta droge. Također, pronađene su i neprikladne haljine, koje su organizatori događaja poklanjali gošćama.Zaplijenjeno je oko 20 kamera.
Zene su obavezane nositi odjeću koja pokriva njihovu kosu i cijelo tijelo, inace mogu biti bičevane, zatvorene ili novčano kažnjene...

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Fiona Apple

(T)ko bi to mogao biti?

Krenuo je sa Antonom Vrdoljakom - 'U gori raste zelen bor' (1971) igra manju ulogu da bi se kasnije proslavio ulogama u filmovima i TV serijama 'Kiklop', 'Mirisi, zlato i tamjan'. Glumio je lukavog prosjaka Matana u 'Prosjacima i sinovima' koji su 1971. zabranjeni. Iste godine zabranjena je i drama 'Crveno klasje' Živojina Pavlovića, sa kojim je jos saradjivao na 'Hajka' i 'Dezerter'. Potom slijede istorijski film 'Banović Strahinja' Vatroslava Mimice, krimić Zorana Tadića 'San o ruži' i 'Čovjek koji je volio sprovode', prvi jugoslavenski horor 'Variola Vera' Gorana Markovića. Početkom devedesetih, nakon antiratnih nastupa u Sarajevu i Beogradu odlazi za suprugom Lenkom u Ljubljanu, a zadnji predratni film u Zagrebu mu je 'Kontesa Dora' Zvonimira Berkovića. Glumi po pozoristima u Sloveniji, pa sa svojom predstavom gostuje i u Londonu gdje upoznaje Milča Mančevskog, koji mu nudi prelomnu ulogu makedonskog fotografa koji bježi od rata u Before the rain(1994). Film dobiva Zlatnog lava u Veneciji, a on i posebnu nagradu kritičara. Vrata Hollywooda otvara mu Oscar kojeg je film dobio kao najbolje strano ostvarenje. 1997. zajedno sa kćerkom Lucijom glumi u The Saint(1997.) Philipa Noycea, kod kojega će glumiti i u The Quiet American(2002), a uloga ruskog magnata jedna je od prvih uloga Rusa koje će kasnije često igrati. Najveći holivudski nastup mu je sporedna uloga u Kubrickovom Eyes Wide Shut(1999.). Upoznaje Toma Cruisea što će mu osigurati i honorar za nastup u Mission:Impossible II(2000). Ostali holivudski filmovi: Snatch(2000) Guya Ritchiea, Space Cowboys(2000) Clinta Eastwooda, remake The Fog(2005) i kratko pojavljivanje u Batman Begins(2005). TV: musical South Pacific, spijunski triler Spooks, naucno-fantasticna serija Surface, adaptacija romana Fugitive Pieces (Anne Michaels), serija "24" - glumio ruskog generala, naravno. Od domaćih filmova snimio je u Hrvatskoj 'Je li jasno, prijatelju?' (2000) i u Bosni 'Go West' (2005). Izdao je razne zbirke pjesama ('Prijatelj me kaže više ne poznaje'), autobiografiju 'Do posljednjeg daha', 'Ne daj se, Ines' citirajuci/pjevajuci stihove Arsena Dedića... Prvi komsija mu je Benicio Del Toro.
Niko drugi do, naravno, Rade Serbedzija.
Kompletna filmografija

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Mamma mia!

Majka je na Siciliji oduzela ključeve stana 61-godišnjem sinu, ukinula mu džeparac i odvela ga na policijsku stanicu jer je kasno došao kuci. Već umorna od sinovljevih nepodopština, umirovljenica iz grada Caltagirone na Siciliji obratila se za pomoć policiji kako bi doveli u red "tog glupana". Sin se opravdavao tvrdeći da majka ne zna kuhati i da mu nije dala dovoljan nedjeljni džeparac. "On me uopste ne poštuje, ne govori mi kuda ide ni kada će se vratiti kući", rekla je majka. "Nikad nije zadovoljan onim što skuham i naprestano se žali. Svega mi je dosta!", dodala je.
Veliki broj Italijana u tridesetim godinama živi u porodicnom domu i koristi blagodati mamine kuhinje, pranja i peglanja, ali slučajevi sinova koji ostaju s majkama u šezdesetim godinama ipak su rjeđi.

Zbogom Antonioni!

Italijanski avangardni reziser Michelangelo Antonioni pokopan je u četvrtak u svom rodnom gradu Ferrari na sjeveru Italije. Smatrali su ga majstorom i čarobnjakom svjetla. Preminuo je u 94. godini. Svjetsku slavu stekao je 60-tih godina filmovima kao što su "Blow Up" i "Zabriskie Point". Nakon moždanog udara 1985. godine, kretao se uz pomoć invalidskih kolica i teško je govorio. Vazni filmovi: L'Avventura, La Notte, Le Amiche, The Passenger, Beyond the Clouds

Kolicaj brze!

Posada ruske podmornice postavila je rusku zastavu na morsko dno Sjevernog pola. Zastava, izrađena od titana i otporna na rđu, postavljena je 4 261 metar ispod morske površine u Sjevernom polarnom moru. Rusija želi proširiti teritorij pod svojom kontrolom na Arktiku sve do Sjevernog pola. Vjeruje se da regija sadrži velike količine nafte i plina. Prema međunarodnom pravu, pet zemalja čiji teritorij dodiruje arktički polarni krug (Rusija, SAD, Kanada, Norveška i Danska) polažu pravo na eksploataciju ekonomske zone 320 kilometara od svojih obala. Međutim Rusija pokušava dokazati da ima pravo na eksploataciju područja sve do Pola. To argumentira činjenicom da je arktičko podmorje dio istog kontinentalnog grebena kao i Sibir. Jedan od ciljeva ekspedicije je i dopuštanje proučavanja morskog dna okeanografima kako bi utvrdili da je Arktičko morsko dno i Sibir zapravo dio istog grebena.
Sovjetske I američke nuklearne podmornice često su putovale ispod polarne kape, ali nijedna do sad nije došla do morskog dna ispod Pola, gdje dubine iznose i do 4 kilometra. Vođe ekspedicije kažu kako im je sad najveća briga da izrone kod iste rupe u ledu gdje su i uronili. Naime ta mala podmornica nije dovoljno jaka da razbije led na Sjevernom polu.
Clanak ovdje.