Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Amazing Tesla

Nikola Tesla - The Missing Secrets:

Jeff Healey

Actual excuses for school

*My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him.
*Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot.
*Dear School: Please exscuse John being absent on Jan. 28, 29,30, 31, 32, and also 33.
*Please excuse Gloria from Jim today. She is administrating.
*Please excuse Roland from P.E. for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip.
*John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face.
*Carlos was absent yesterday because he was playing football. He was hurt in the growing part.
*Megan could not come to school today because she has been bothered by very close veins.
*Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side.
*Please excuse Ray Friday from school. He has very loose vowels.
*Please excuse Pedro from being absent yesterday. He had (diahre) (dyrea) (direathe) the runs. *Please excuse Burma, she has been sick and under the doctor.
*Irving was absent yesterday because he missed his bust.
*Please excuse Jimmy for being. It was his father's fault.
*I kept Billie home because she had to go Christmas shopping because I don't know what size she wears.
*Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday.
*Sally won't be in school a week from Friday. We have to attend her funeral.
*My daughter was absent yesterday because she was tired. She spent a weekend with the Marines.
*Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well.
*Please excuse Mary for being absent yesterday. She was in bed with gramps.
*Maryann was absent December 11-16, because she had a fever, sore throat, headache and upset stomach. Her sister was also sick, fever and sore throat, her brother had a low grade fever and ached all over. I wasn't the best either, sore throat and fever. There must be something going around, her father even got hot last night.
*Please excuse little Jimmy for not being in school yesterday. His father is gone and I could not get him ready because I was in bed with the doctor.


Naucnici koji proučavaju DNK neandertalaca javljaju kako vjeruju da će uskoro moći uspjeti rekonstruisati kompletni genom neandertalskog čovjeka usprkos degradaciji DNK kroz vrijeme.
Za pokretanje ovog istraživanja zaslužni su ''Nacionalni institut zdravlja'' i ''Max Planck Society'' iz SAD-a. Oni takođe polažu velike nade i u rekonstruisanje DNK pecinskog medvjeda i mamuta. U naucnim se krugovima već godinama vodi debata o vezi između neandertalca i modernog čovjeka. Jedna skupina naucnika smatra kako je moderni čovjek zamijenio neandertalca, dok druga vjeruje kako su se dvije vrste ukrstale. Sastavljanje genoma neandertalaca koji je živio u Evropi i dijelu Azije prije 300,000 godina u doba srednjeg paleolitika, moglo bi pomoći kod rješavanja tih zagonetki. Krapinski pračovjek jedan je od glavnih predstavnika neandertalaca, a zivio je i u Vindiji kraj Varaždina.