Thursday, May 10, 2007


BH bobisti su na Olimpijadi u Lillehammeru 1994. na trening spuštanju imali najbolji rezultat. Doduše to je bilo vezano za činjenicu da su im otkazale kočnice.
Današnji uposlenik BH Telecoma Nizar Džihanović-Điđi, čovjek koji se prije toga nije spuštao ni trebevickim “Vučkom” niz bob stazu, a kamo li u pravom bobu, pričao je poslije kako se na uskakanju u bob,kao treći član posade, okliznuo i uletio u njega glavom. Cetvrti član posade, Boras, ga je nagurao u bob i stigli su do cilja.
Nisu bili zadnji, ali su ipak bili sporiji od svojih kolega Jamajkanaca koji su ušli u istoriju po sličnim problemima.Jedan od članova te čuvene posade je poslije izjavio da su neposredno prije vožnje pričali kako trebaju provjeriti jesu li im čiste gaće, pošto će vjerovatno završiti u bolnici.
Taj događaj predstavlja jedan od najvećih olimpijskih uspjeha BH bob tima. Apsolutno u najljepšem duhu olimpijskih igara ovi momci su dokazali da je važno učestvovati, makar im to bilo i zadnji put.

XYu - Bistra Voda!

Vlatkovi mp3's


Giordano Bruno was a man with dangerous thoughts. He is remembered as one of the "martyrs of science." He was among the early admirers of Copernicus whom he followed in maintaining that the earth moved around the sun. With all his talents he was totally devoid of worldly wisdom and incapable of prudent silence. His daring ideas brought embarrassment wherever he went, and in the end he was always forced to seek yet another refuge passing from one place to another. Bruno's ecstatic vision of a single infinite universe was most fatal to him in the judgement of the Papal Tribunal, that sustained him "in enchantment" during the years of agony, and that has contributed most to the thought of his successors.
The last years of Giordano Bruno's life were spent in the prisons of the Inquisition. As he received judgment he voiced out the immortal phrase: "Maybe you who condemn me are in greater fear than I who am condemned." Bruno declared that he died a willing martyr and that his soul would rise with the smoke to paradise.