Thursday, May 17, 2007


Nikola Tesla is an inspiration for all nations in the name of peace and science. He was a true visionary far ahead of his contemporaries.He pointed out the inefficiency of businessman Edison’s direct current electrical powerhouses that have been built along the Atlantic seaboard.Got himself an enemy there, along with some wealthy ones.Tesla was a pioneer in many fields (fluorescent light,laser beam,wireless communications,wireless transmission of electrical energy,remote control,robotics,Tesla’s turbines,vertical take off aircraft-to name the few).Many believe that he was cheated out of a Nobel prize by Marconi.And,hey-he was played by David Bowie in Prestige.
And finally, speaking of energy efficient cars,he ran a car with an electric motor at speeds of up to 140km/h (in the 1930s) on nothing more than electricity gathered from the atmosphere!
Clicking on the title will take you to Tesla's "How the cosmic forces shape our destinies" article.Interesting read.

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