Monday, November 5, 2007

Malo grafita...

*Dzaba ste krecili!
*Kad ja tamo a ono medjutim...
*Zvoni! Kucanje ne radi.
*Kisa pada, trava 10 maraka.
*Imam problem za svako rjesenje.
*Gdje bi nam bio kraj da nije tako blizu.
*Proleteri svih zemalja - izvinite! Marx
*Kud narkoman prodje tu trava vise ne raste.
*Embargo, em sankcije.
*Restoran radi od otvaranja do zatvaranja.
*Um caruje, a Dundo Maroje.
*Slozne zene javnu kucu grade!
*Klint se Istvudom izbija.
*Smrt Klintonu, Monika narodu.

Not a joke!

As several sightings were made around Washington, D.C., of dragonfly-looking bugs hovering in the air at political events, government agencies were denying that they had released any tiny surveillance robots."I look up and I'm like, 'What the hell is that?'" asked a college student at an antiwar rally in Washington. "They looked kind of like dragonflies or little helicopters. But ... those are not insects." Several agencies and private entities admitted they were trying to develop such devices, but no one took credit for having them in the air yet.
The robo-spies are expected to be used to track suspects, guide missiles or (!) find trapped survivors in building rubble.
Read the Washington Post story.