Thursday, March 6, 2008

Banned Video - Gnarls Barkley

Because of its strobe effects this Gnarls Barkley ( loved his Crazy ) video is banned because it "failed" the Harding Test guidelines that are suppose to prevent TV images from triggering epileptic seizures...

Yes - that was Justin Timberlake!

I guess videos with violence and obscenities did not have to undergo any tests and are much safer for the public!

Global Competitiveness in the World (ex-Yu take)

World Economic Forum has ranked Canada as 13th. First are the US.

Slovenia is 39th, Croatia 57th, Montenegro 82nd, Serbia 91st, Macedonia 94th, Bosnia "spectacular" 106th place (what else to add here...), all amongst 131 countries.
Croatia did rank highly from tourism's point of view - on human resources and the cultural and national resources category. It has also improved in the category of rules and regulations dramatically... How long will that last? Hmmm. let's see:

"Big Oil required a pipeline through Kosovo and the poor Serbs just happened to own the wrong real estate at the wrong time. How do I know that the Kosovo action was about oil or, to be exact, about establishing a safe haven for an oil pipeline? Just recently Bill Clinton signed an historic agreement with Azerbaijan on this very matter…." "Kosovo was about oil and nothing but oil, with maybe some uranium thrown in and a dash of 'wag-the-dog.' And you thought it was to save the poor Kosovar Albanians." (Savage "The Oily Tracks Running Through Kosovo")

So if there will be any oil spills from that pipe-line, you will say good bye to the beatiful Adriatic coast of Croatia. At least from the touristic point of view...