Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ridiculous charges at Ryerson University

So they are charging a first-year computer engineering student, who is due at an expulsion hearing, with academic misconduct charges over a Facebook study group he started. He, along with other 146 of his classmates used the social networking site to exchange homework tips and help each other out with chemistry questions. Where educators fail - students help each other (HORRIBLE!). University administrators considered the information sharing the equivalent of cheating and slapped him with 147 counts of academic misconduct. He faces one charge for his role in setting up the group, and a charge for each of his classmates that used the site. OMG!
So he says his site is no different from tutoring and mentoring programs run by the school, or study groups who work on homework together. But when the institution cannot claim it as their own, on account of hours on their Time Sheets - not so fast! He thought he could outsmart them?

Well, honestly - this guy is going to do well in the world even without academic recognition. It is their loss, really. Had a good idea, put it to work in a well organized, to the point manner, proved to be useful - therefore favourite with the users... Right on!

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